APIs & Microservices & Algorithms & Data Structures
May 17, 2019
I recently completed the APIs & Microservices certification offered by freeCodeCamp, along with their Algorithms & Data Structures certification. The skills I’ve learned have given me a solid foundation to dive into fullstack development, so that I can begin to build more useful things.
The APIs & Microservices curriculum covered backend development with Node, Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB. The JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures curriculum covered problem solving with JavaScript, ES6 syntax, regular expressions, debugging, data structures, object-oriented programming, functional programming, and more.
Here are the projects I completed for the APIs & Microservices certification:
- Timestamp Microservice
- Request Header Parser Microservice
- URL Shortener Microservice
- Exercise Tracker
- File Metadata Microservice
I had the most fun with the Exercise Tracker. I used it as an opportunity to learn about GraphQL, which was not covered in the standard freeCodeCamp curriculum, so I learned how to convert the provided REST API to GraphQL with the help of Stephen Grider’s excellent Udemy course.
With the knowledge I’ve gained from freeCodeCamp and countless other resources, I’m confident in my frontend skills, as well as my proficiency with JavaScript in general, which can be applied to the backend with Node. I’m now working on further developing my skill set with Python, and am finding it to be pretty familiar after having worked with JavaScript. There are a limitless amount of things to know, but I am doing my best to learn it all.